Essais dans le Pacifique
Essais états-uniens
Holly M. Barker, Bravo for the Marshallese: Regaining Control in a Post-Nuclear, Post-Colonial World, Cengage Learning, 2012
Jim Albertini, Nelson Foster, Wally Inglis, Gil Roeder, The Dark Side of Paradise: Hawaii in a Nuclear World, Honolulu : Catholic Action of Hawaii, 1980.
Peter Hayes, Zarsky Lyuba, Bello Walden, American Lake. The Nuclear Peril in the Pacific, Penguin Books, 1986.
Jack Niedenthal, For the Good of Mankind. A History of the People of Bikini and their Islands, Bravo Publishers, 2001.
Roger W. Gale, The Americanization of Micronesia: A Study of the Consolidation of U.S. Rule in the Pacific, University Press of America, 1979.
James P. Delgado, The Archeology of the Atomic Bomb: A Submerged Cultural Resources Assessment of the Sunken Fleet of Operation Crossroads at Bikini and Kwajalein Atoll Lagoons, 1991
Jane Dibblin, Day of two suns: US nuclear testing and the Pacific Islanders. New York, New Amsterdam, 1990.
Yu-Fang Cho, “Remembering Lucky Dragon, re-membering Bikini: worlding the Anthropocene through transpacific nuclear modernity”, Cultural Studies, 2018. Yu-Fang Cho, “Nuclear Diffusion Notes Toward Reimagining Reproductive Justice in Militarized Asia Pacific”, Amerasia Journal, 41:3, 2015
Essais britanniques
Arnold Lorna, A Very Special Relationship: British Atomic Weapons Trials in Australia, Londres, His Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1987, 323 p.
Arnold Lorna, Smith Mark, Britain, Australia and the Bomb. The Nuclear Tests and Their Aftermath, Londres, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, 322 p.
Arnold Lorna, Pyne Katherine, Britain and the H-Bomb, Londres, Palgrave Macmillan, 2001, 273 p.
Borderick Nick, « Filmic Mutation: British nuclear tests in Australia 1952-1963 », Studies in documentary Film, vol. 16, 2022/3, p. 274-297.
Cross Roger, Fallout. Hedley Marston and the British bomb tests in Australia, Wakefield, Wakefield Press, 2012, 240 p.
Dousset Laurent, Mythes, missiles et cannibales. Le récit d’un premier contact en Australie, Paris, Publications de la Société des Océanistes, 2011, 196 p.
Maclellan Nic, Grappling with the Bomb. Britain’s Pacific H-Bomb tests, Canberra, ANU Press, 2017, 408 p.
Parkinson Alan, Maralinga. Australia’s Nuclear Waste Cover-up, New York, ABC Books, 2007, 233 p.
Tynan Elizabeth, Atomic Thunder. The Maralinga Story, Sydney, University of New South Wales Press, 2016, 324 p.
Walker John R., British nuclear weapons and the test ban 1954-1973: Britain, the United States, Weapons and Nuclear Testing: Tensions and Contradictions, Farnham, Asgate, 2013, 406 p.
Impacts environnementaux
Alexis-Martin Becky, Bolton Matthew B., Hawkins Dimitry, Tish Sydney, Mangioni Talei L., « Adressing the Humanitarian and Environmental Consequences of Atmospheric Nuclear Weapon Tests: A Case of Study of UK and US Test Programs at Kirimati (Christmas) and Malden Islands, Republic of Kiribati », Global Policy, vol. 12, n° 9, 2021, p. 106-121.
Brown Steve, « Archaeology of Brutal Encounter: Heritage and Bombe Testing on Bikini Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands », Archaeology in Oceania, vol. 48, n° 1, 2013, p. 26-39.
Caron David, Scheiber Harry, The Oceans in the Nuclear Age. Legacies and Risks, Leyde, Brill Nijhoff, 2014, 636 p.
Davis Jeffrey, « Representing Place: “Deserted Isles” and the Reproduction of Bikini Atoll », Annals of the Association of American Geographers, vol. 95, n° 3, 2005, p. 607-625.
Hamblin Jacob D., Poison in the Well. Radioactive waste in the Oceans at the Dawn of the Nuclear Age, New Jersey, Rutgers University Press, 2008, 311 p.
Hamblin Jacob D., Arming Mother Nature. The Birth of Catastrophic Environmentalism, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013, 320 p.
Higushi Toshihiro, Political Fallout. Nuclear Weapons Testing and the Making of a Global Environmental Crisis, Stanford, Stanford University Press, 2020, 301 p.
Jacobs Robert A., « The Bravo Test and the Death and Life of the Global Ecosystem in the Early Anthropocene », The Asia-Pacific Journal, vol. 13, n° 29, 2015/1, p. 1-8.
Jacobs Robert A., « Anthropogenic Fallout: The Bravo Test and the Death and Life of the Global Ecosystem », Hiroshima Peace Research Journal, vol. 2, 2015, p. 77-96.
Jacobs Robert A., Nuclear Bodies. The Global Hibakusha, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2022, 318 p.
Kiste Robert C., « Identity and Relocation: the Bikini Case », Pacific Viewpoint, n° 26/1, 1985, p. 116-138.
Leschine Thomas, « Risk and Vulnerability at Contaminated Sites in the Pacific and Australian Proving Grounds from a “Long-Term Stewardship” Perspective: What have we Learned? », dans Caron David, Scheiber Harry, The Oceans in the Nuclear Age. Legacies and Risks, Leyde, Brill Nijhoff, 2014, p. 39-48.
Maclellan Nic, « Radiation on Johnson Atoll: cleaning up the Cold War », Pacific News Bulletin, 2000.
Mark D. Merlin, Ricardo M. Gonzalez, « Environmental Impacts of Nuclear Testing in Remote Oceania, 1946–1996 », in J. R. McNeill et Corinna R. Unger (ed.), Environmental Histories of the Cold War, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2010, 167‑202 ; Toshihiro Higuchi, « Atmospheric Nuclear Weapons Testing and the Debate on Risk Knowledge in Cold War America, 1945–1963 ». in ibidem ; Brian Black, Donna Lybecker, Great debates in American environmental history, Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 2008, 91-100 ; Donald S. Garden, Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific: an environmental history. Nature and human societies, Santa Barbara, Calif: ABC-CLIO, 2005, p.158-160.
John Robert McNeill, Something New under the Sun: An Environmental History of the Twentieth-Century World, New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2001, p. 315-317.
Okney Philip, « Legacies and Perils from the Perspective of the Republic of the Marshall Islands Nuclear Claims Tribunal », dans Caron David, Scheiber Harry, The Oceans in the Nuclear Age. Legacies and Risks, Leyde, Brill Nijhoff, 2014, p. 49-67.
Joe Masco, The nuclear borderlands: the Manhattan project in post-Cold War New Mexico, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2020 ;
Bryan C. Taylor, William J. Kinsella, Stephen P. Depoe et Maribeth S Metzler., Nuclear Legacies: Communication, Controversy, and the U.S. Nuclear Weapons Complex, Lexington Books, 2007.
Bryan C. Taylor Taylor, Brian Freer, « Containing the Nuclear Past: The politics of history and heritage at the Hanford Plutonium Works », Journal of Organizational Change Management, vol. 15, n°6, 2002, 563-588.
Linking Legacies: Connecting the Cold War Nuclear Weapons Production Processes to Their Environmental Consequences (U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Environmental Management, 1997)
Essais nucléaires dans le monde
Leopoldo Nuti, Frédéric Bozo, Marie-Pierre Rey et Bernd Rother (eds.), The Euromissile Crisis and the End of the Cold War, Washington, Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 2015.
En Amérique
Kohlhoff Dean W., Amchitka and the Bomb. Nuclear Testing in Alaska, Seattle, University of Washington Press, 2002, 166 p.
Titus Costandina A., Bombs in the Backyard: Atomic Testing and American Politics, Las Vegas, University of Nevada Press, 2001, 272 p.
En Asie
Cochran Thomas B., Norris Robert S., Bukharin Oleg A., Making the Russian Bomb from Stalin to Yeltsin, Boulder, Westview Press, 1995, 201 p.
Holloway David, Stalin and the Bomb. The Soviet Union and Atomic Energy, 1939-1956, New Heaven, Yale University Press, 1994, 464 p.
Kassenova Togzhan, « Banning nuclear testing: lessons from the Semipalatinsk nuclear testing site », The Nonproliferation Review, vol. 23, n° 2-3, 2016, p. 329-344.
Kassenova Togzhan, Atomic Steppe. How Kazakhstan Gave Up the Bomb, Stanford, Stanford University Press, 2022, 384 p.
Installations nucléaires militaires
Kate Brown, Plutopia: Nuclear Families, Atomic Cities, and the Great Soviet and American Plutonium Disasters, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015.
Brown Kate, Dispatches from Dystopia. Histories of Places Not Yet Forgotten, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 2015, 216 p.
Hugh Gusterson, Nuclear Rites. A Weapons Laboratory at the End of the Cold War, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1998, 370 p.
Hugh Gusterson, People of the bomb: Portraits of America’s nuclear complex, University of Minnesota Press, 2004. Lindsay Freeman, The Atom bomb in me, Stanford University Press, 2019.
Freeman Lindsey A., Longing of the Bomb: Oak Ridge and Atomic Nostalgia, Chapel Hill, The University of North Carolina Press, 2015, 256 p.
Freeman Lindsey A., This atom Bomb in Me, Stanford, Stanford University Press, 2019, 136 p.
Genay Lucie, Land of Nuclear Enchantment. A New Mexican History of the Nuclear Weapons Industry, Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2019, 344 p.
Joe Masco, The nuclear borderlands: the Manhattan project in post-Cold War New Mexico, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2020 ; Bryan C. Taylor, William J. Kinsella, Stephen P. Depoe et Maribeth S Metzler., Nuclear Legacies: Communication, Controversy, and the U.S. Nuclear Weapons Complex, Lexington Books, 2007.
Bryan C. Taylor Taylor, Brian Freer, « Containing the Nuclear Past: The politics of history and heritage at the Hanford Plutonium Works », Journal of Organizational Change Management, vol. 15, n°6, 2002, 563-588.