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Archives étatsuniennes

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), College Park, Maryland

Les archives fédérales américaines sont gérées par le National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Cet organisme fédéral est implanté sur plusieurs sites ( :

–  Le site de Washington D.C. abrite les archives des grandes institutions américaines : Cour Suprême, Congrès des États-Unis, Anciens Combattants, entre autres.

– Le site de College Park possède les archives relatives aux affaires fédérales des départements et organismes, notamment les documents de l’Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) et du Department of State.

– Les autres sites, implantés dans des grandes villes à travers le pays, abritent les archives produites par les organismes fédéraux ayant trait aux affaires fédérales des 50 États et territoires ultramarins.

– Les Presidential Library (bibliothèques présidentielles), situées de part et d’autre des États-Unis, abritent les archives produites par les Présidents des États-Unis et leurs entourages.

Record Group (RG) 52: Records of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery

A1 1018, Records Relating to Nuclear Testing, Contamination and Exposure 1947-1978

A1 1018, box 9: Operation in Pacific Dosage Report (1953-1960). Classified.

RG 326: Records of the Atomic Energy Commission

A1 6540 A, Files of Chairman Glenn Seaborg 1961-1971

A1 6540 A, box 19: Cabinet Committee Environment. Classified.

A1 6540 A, box 20: Environmental Quality Council. Classified.

A1 6540 A, box 33-35: National Council Marine Resources, Protect and Measures. Classified.

A1 6540 A, box 36: Nuclear Weapons Effects, Press Cabinet Council Environment. Classified.

A1 6540 A, box 39: Water Resources Council. Classified.

A1 6540 A, box 66-67: Disarmament, IAEA Safeguards, Limited Test Ban Treaty, Nuclear Testing. Classified.

A1 6540 A, box 71: Controller, Environmental Affairs. Classified.

A1 6540 A, box 74: Inspection, Intelligence. Classified.

A1 6540 A, box 90: Euratom, US, France. Classified.

A1 6540 A, box 120-121: Fish and Wildlife Hear, Food Irradiation Hear. Classified.

A1 6540 A, box 125: Pollution, Environment. Classified.

A1 6540 A, box 161: Environmental Protection Agency. Classified.

A1 6540 A, box 167: National Geographic Society, Oceanographic Data Center, Atmospheric Agency. Classified.

A1 6540 A, box 182-183: Radiation and Fallout, Wastewater Radiation. Classified.

A1 6540 A, box 215: Nuclear Files, Nuclear Testing, Nevada Test Site, Heal and Safety. Classified.

A1 6540 A, box 215: Nevada Test Site, Underground Nuclear Testing. Classified.

A1 6540 A, box 217: US Atmospheric and Underground Test Program. Classified.

A1 6540 A, box 218: Nevada Test Site, Underground Nuclear Testing, Weapons and Devices. Classified.

A1 6540 A, box 222-223: Amchitka and Nevada Test Site, Underground Nuclear Testing. Classified.

A1 6540 A, box 232: Euratom, France. Classified.

A1 6540 A, box 233: Water Resources Council. Classified.

A1 6540 A, box 236: Arms Control Disarmament Agency. Classified.

A1 6540 A, box 238: Nuclear Detonations US USSR UK. Classified.

P 14 A, Subject Files of John MacCone 1958-1961

P 14 A, box 86: French Nuclear Program (1959-1960).

RG 374: Records of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency

374 G, Photographs Relating to Nuclear Weapons Testing 1959-2005

374 G, box 1-10: US and UK Nuclear Weapons Testing, photographs of Licorne Test in Moruroa Atoll (1970).

Presidential Library 

John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum, Boston


Box 70 : France. Reports, memoranda, and correspondence regarding France and its leader, President Charles de Gaulle ; correspondence and memoranda regarding France, including materials related to President John F. Kennedy’s visit to Paris and meetings with President Charles de Gaulle of France during his tour of Europe.

Box 71 : France. General.

Box 72 : France. Department of State telegrams regarding France including participation in a NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) multilateral nuclear force, an assassination plot against French President Charles de Gaulle, French territories, and criticism by the French media of the United States agricultural policy and Trade Expansion Act. General, Hopkins-De Gaulle Discussion.

Box 73 : France : Subjects, De Gaulle Correspondence.

Box 74 : France: Subjects, De Gaulle Press Conference.

Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library, Austin

National Security Action Memorandums

Box 3 : Nuclear Assistance to France.

Richard Nixon Presidential Library & Museum, Yorba Linda

National Security Council Institutional Files

Box H-207: Military Relations with France.

Box H-208: Policy Toward France.

Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library & Museum, Ann Arbor

National Security Studies and Decision Memoranda

Box 1 : Underground Nuclear Testing.

Archives numérisées du Woodrow Wilson Center

Sur la coopération nucléaire France-États-Unis :

Dont : 

— 23 mars 1957:

« Memorandum of Conversation between John Foster Dulles and Selwyn Lloyd, ‘Atomic Energy Items: (1) French Request (2) Test Limitation’, » March 23, 1957, History and Public Policy Program Digital Archive, National Archives, Record Group 59, Records of the Department of State, Executive Secretariat Conference Files, 1949-72, box 127, CF 861 Bermuda 1957 Memcons. Obtained and contributed by William Burr and included in NPIHP Research Update #2.

— 24 août 1960 :

Memorandum of Conversation, ‘Nuclear Sharing’, » August 24, 1960, History and Public Policy Program Digital Archive, National Archives, Record Group 59, Records of the Department of State, Records of Policy Planning Staff, 1957-1961, box 116, Atomic Energy – Armaments 1960. Obtained and contributed by William Burr and included in NPIHP Research Update #2.  

—29 octobre 1960 :

« General Staff of Defense (SMD) Report, ‘NATO military problems. Ten-year plan’, » October 29, 1960, History and Public Policy Program Digital Archive, Istituto Luigi Sturzo, Archivio Giulio Andreotti, NATO Series, Box 160, Subseries 1, Folder 010. 

Archives numérisées de la CIA

La CIA numérise une série d’archives dans le cadre du Freedom of Information Act de 1966. De nombreux documents sur les essais nucléaires français ont été numérisés. L’Electronic Reading Room est accessible en cliquant sur le lien suivant :